Thursday, August 3, 2017

Early Mornings...

I am loving these early summer mornings on the patio with these
 gorgeous hydrangeas!!!
They are the CHAMPS for sure, as they keep their
on during our extremely warm days!!!

I used to have 30 some roses at our previous home..
but I did a major switch to hydrangeas and am SO GLAD!!!

It is like they are always happy and elegant ...
 N E V E R droopy!!! :)

Always ready for a party!!

And a tall glass of
 fresh squeezed strawberry lemonade (sugar free)

 is just the perfect companion for later in the day...
 if it is not tooo
warm out there!:)


Today is my oldest Daughter's Birthday...
so all of these lovelies are for her!!

Beautiful summer days for sure!!


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